Marshall Potts heads for the Spanish coast in the video for his latest single Hearts in the Sky — premiering exclusively on Tinnitist.
To illustrate this tender, fingerpicked folk-pop ballad from Potts’ brand-new album That’s How it Starts, the camera follows the Kamloops singer-songwriter and his lady love as they stroll the streets of a Catalonia town, eventually meeting on the beach and walking off together into the sunset — a perfect visual metaphor for his Lindsey Buckingham-style track about intertwined souls.
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British Columbia singer/songwriter Marshall Potts has a new album, That How It Starts, and it’s a winner. The ten-track offering is an intimate invitation into the heart and soul of the man.
We got to spend some time with Marshall is Cannes, France and saw his showcase at the festival and had some insightful one on one chats. The first thing you notice about Marshall Potts is that when he’s talking to you he looks you in the eye and you know you have his full attention. He does that same thing from the stage, the audience is his only focus, that and the message is conveying through his songs.
That’s How it Starts is another giant step in the progression of Marshall Potts musical and life journey. \”The title track, That’s How It Starts is really a lesson in life as told by the lyrics ” That\’s how it starts / You come, you go, you run / You face your fears and embrace your tears\’. It\’s When you talk to Marshall you realize the depth of the lyrics as they relate to his own life and experiences. After years of giving and people-pleasing, precipitated major health and life’s curves, the sometimes painfully honest artist regrouped and started reinventing his life. This resulted in a work in progress but the healing journey from the darkness to the light that has seen a metamorphosis into a confident, laser-focused man on a mission. With the love of his life, Jo-anne, or as he calls her Joey, by his side, he is virtually unstoppable.
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Marshall Potts That’s How it Starts
Submitted by Don Graham
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B.C.-based singer-songwriter, Marshall Potts has released a video for his single, “Hearts In The Sky” from his album, That’s How It Starts, which was released on June 21, 2019.
Marshall shares on the video
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Canadian country-rock artist Marshall Potts has released a new single called “Hearts in the Sky” off his sophomore album titled That’s How it Starts. This is an acoustic song that is filled with emotion and depth.
Through both the guitar, and the lyrics, it’s abundantly clear that “Hearts in the Sky” is a deeply personal song for Marshall. It’s a song that’s really easy to get lost in – even his voice has the allure of a dream as it comes through the speakers. Many of the songs off his album are more upbeat and have a country-rock vibe to them. It’s nice to hear a softer side that showcases Marshall as a Canadian singer-songwriter.
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Singer and songwriter Marshall Potts released his new album That’s How It Starts recently, and “Hearts In The Sky” is his latest single that features a very personal connection for the video.
The Kamploops, BC artist shot the video for “Hearts In The Sky” in a Spanish town as a way of bringing things back to his family.
Andrew Powell
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“Marshall Potts is a talented musician/writer from the west coast of Canada in British Columbia and his performance was moving and heartfelt, performing his signature song That’s How It Starts.”
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We got to spend some time with Marshall is Cannes, France and saw his showcase at the festival and had some insightful one on one chats. The first thing you notice about Marshall Potts is that when he’s talking to you he looks you in the eye and you know you have his full attention. He does that same thing from the stage, the audience is his only focus, that and the message is conveying through his songs.
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“EMG is very particular about who we manage. We look for integrity not just talent. We also like to work closely with an artist who wants to work as hard as we do to break their career. Marshall is a sincere lyricist, talented songwriter, great stage performer and has all the makings to be a successful artist in this business. We are looking forward to some great announcements about his career moves in the very near future.”
Next up for Marshall Potts is a performance with the Cashbox Caravan Showcase at Live at Heart in Obreo, Sweden Sept.4-7. More announcements about global appearances and festivals are forthcoming.